• 浏览我们的网上报名网站

    我们的课程可以在我们的 注册网站.


    访问我们的计划和课程页面 在这里.


    如果你对注册课程有疑问, 或者需要注册协助, 请不要犹豫与我们联系 952-995-1330 or ctsregistration@cocobe.net.

  • 1) 在线注册:
    访问 我们的 持续教育注册网站.

    浏览课程 按课程类别划分, 或使用“高级搜索”功能, 位于页面上, 在右上角. (You can also search for classes by date, by clicking a date on the "Calendar" Icon.)将您选择的课程添加到购物车中.


    新用户:要创建您的帐户,请点击“查看我的帐户" button at the top of 我们的 registration page, and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    返回用户:要查看您的现有帐户,请点击“查看我的帐户" button at the top of 我们的 registration page, and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    退房:在您将课程添加到购物车之后, 当您准备退房的时候, follow the directions to complete y我们的 registration on 我们的 secured site and make a payment with y我们的 credit card. 您将收到购买的收据/确认函.

    2)电话报名:用信用卡打电话到 952-995-1330,星期一至五上午七点半至下午四点半.

    3)校内注册你可以亲自去登记, 在布鲁克林公园校区或伊甸草原校区,星期一至五上午七点半至下午四点半.

    布鲁克林公园校区:布鲁克林大道9000号,G201,布鲁克林公园,MN 55445

    伊甸草原校园13100 College View Drive, H150, 伊甸草原,明尼苏达州55347

    问题? If you have questions about registering for a Continuing Education c我们的se, 请不要犹豫与我们联系, at 952-995-1330 or ctsregistration@cocobe.net.

  • 隐私政策:因为数据隐私法, student information will not be released to anyone without the student's written permission. We will not sell or distribute y我们的 personal information to any third party.

  • You can register for any class you have the option to add to y我们的 cart. 如果一个班级被列出了一个电话号码,可以拨打, 你必须通过电话或亲自登记. 如果一个课程被列出并且不开放注册, a message will appear indicating the date it will open or if the class is full. 尽早注册以保证在班级中占有一席之地!

  • 如果一个班级已经满了, t在这里 will be a message indicating the class is full and you will have the option to place y我们的self on a waiting list.

  • Y我们的 friend or family member must create their own account and register with their own profile.

  • If the c我们的se you select is full, you can request to be placed on a waiting list. 如果您用信用卡付款,您的帐户将不会被扣款. 如果课堂上有空,他会给你建议的.

  • 如果你在网上注册, you will be able to see whether t在这里 is still space available in a class. Once you complete the necessary payment information, you are registered. 您将在24小时内收到一封确认邮件.

  • You will receive a confirmation email for each class you register for as well as a receipt for the transaction. 我们不会打电话给学生提醒他们即将到来的课程, 因此,请在您注册课程时标记您的金狮贵宾会app342.

  • Class locations and directions will be noted in the c我们的se description and on y我们的 confirmation. 课程在下列地点之一举行:

    亨内平技术学院 - 布鲁克林公园校区 9000 Brooklyn Boulevard, 套件G201布鲁克林公园,明尼苏达州55445; 952-995-1330

    亨内平技术学院 - 伊甸草原校园 13100 College View Drive, 套件H150, 伊甸草原,明尼苏达州55347, 952-995-1330

    Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center 9110 Brooklyn Blvd.布鲁克林公园,明尼苏达州55445; 763-657-3700

  • You will receive an email with specific instructions on how to access y我们的 online class.

  • Y我们的 confirmation email will have specific information for y我们的 class, including directions to y我们的 class location and forms you need to sign. Please refer to these additional questions for motorcycle classes: 电单车课程常见问题

    Participants must furnish their own protective clothing: eye protection, 夹克, 长裤, full-fingered手套, over-the-ankle鞋类, 和dot认可的头盔. Rider coaches are required to dismiss participants who do not bring and use the aforementioned protective gear.

  • 注册时必须全额付款. Payment may be made by check, cash, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.

  • Any class with a discount or promotion will be noted on the class listing or category heading.

  • The c我们的ses offered through Customized Training Solutions are not Financial Aid eligible. 然而, you may seek funding or assistance from an outside s我们的ce such as a government program, 人力资源机构, 或者就业中心.

  • 是的, if y我们的 company or organization does not currently have a Third Party Billing Account set up, 我们可以发送所需的文件来完成请求. Once entered into 我们的 billing system, y我们的 company can be invoiced for any registration it submits.

  • 课程描述将说明是否需要课程教科书.

  • Any required materials will be mentioned in the class description or related to you prior to class by y我们的 instructor.

  • That will be decided on a class by class basis and depends on the instructor. 请与您的课程老师讨论.

  • 在大多数情况下,我们至少需要五个学生来上课. You will be notified by email or telephone if y我们的 class is cancelled. The college reserves the right to cancel classes with insufficient enrollment; payment is then automatically refunded. 如果我们不得不取消你的课, you can request a full refund of y我们的 tuition or transfer to another c我们的se of y我们的 choice, 空间允许.

  • 如果你需要退课,你必须通知我们 952-995-1330 at least 3 business days before the class starts to be eligible for a refund. For Motorcycle 安全 Basic Rider c我们的ses you must notify us at 952-995-1330 at least 5 business days prior to the first session. Once the eligibility is confirmed by staff, refunds will be issued.

  • 退款政策: (Also applies to purchase orders) Full refunds will be given to any student/company canceling 3 business days prior to the first session. Student and/or companies will incur all charges with no refund if the student does not drop the c我们的se 3 business days prior to the first session.


    退款政策: (也适用于购买订单)退款- 30美元.00手续费 will be given to any student/company canceling five (5) business days prior to the first session. Student and/or companies will incur all charges with no refund if student does not drop the c我们的se Five (5) business days prior to the first session.
    转移政策: 学生可以一次转学,费用为30美元.00手续费 if we are notified five (5) Full business days prior to the first session. 一(1)次转账后,将不予退款或转账.

  • Unless otherwise noted, you will receive Continuing Education Units (CEU) for y我们的 class.

  • 请浏览我们学院的网站 HennepinTech.edu 看看学校是不是关门了,或者打电话给我们 952-995-1330.

  • 请致电 952-995-1330 and we will be happy to assist you or connect you to the correct staff person to answer y我们的 inquiry.

  • Whether you need a group of employees trained on a new software application, 或者是接受过新业务流程培训的部门同事, we can provide organizational development professionals and instructional designers to deliver customize training solutions.

    给我们打电话 952-995-1330 或电子邮件 CTSRegistration@HennepinTech.edu.