• 如果你年满18岁,并持有有效的摩托车许可证(从明尼苏达州执照考试站),你可以在成功完成整个课程后获得你的摩托车背书. 注意:两次未通过州和/或MMSC技能测试的车手没有资格获得州技能测试豁免. 摩托车背书的所有后续技能测试必须在DVS考试站进行.

    This course is physically demanding and requires 100% attendance. Participants MUST:

    • 年满16岁(未满18岁者须由家长/监护人签署)
    • Possess a valid automobile license.
    • Be able to balance and ride a bicycle Motorcycles are provided.

    You must bring the required protective gear for on the range skills including:

    • Eye protection
    • Long-sleeved shirt/jacket
    • Full-fingered gloves
    • Long pants with no tears or holes
    • Sturdy footwear that covers the ankles
    • A D.O.T. approved helmet
    • Parent/guardian signature is required for participants under 18 years of age
  • Eye protection is required for all motorcycle or moped operators in Minnesota. 18岁以下的操作员和持有指导许可证的车手需要交通部批准的头盔. 在明尼苏达州,持有有效摩托车背书的成年人可以选择是否戴头盔.

  • Yes. 年满18岁且持有有效摩托车执照的明尼苏达州司机可以通过基本骑手课程获得背书. MMSC基础课程还满足威斯康辛州和北达科他州居民的安全课程要求.

  • 课程限制为12名学生,并且很快就会填满,所以我们建议您尽快注册课程. 你可能要等上两到三周才能参加课程.

  • Refund Policy : (也适用于采购订单)任何学生或公司在第一次会议前5个工作日取消,将获得全额退款. 如果学生不退课,学生和/或公司将承担所有费用,且不退款 5 Business days prior to the first session.

    Transfer Policy:  如果在第一次上课前5个工作日通知我们,学生将被允许一(1)次转学.


  • 如果课程因报名人数不足而取消,您将获得全额退款. 在此事件中,我们将尽一切努力与您联系,询问您是否希望转到另一个班级或接受退款. 注意:请在注册时提供两(2)个电话号码和一个电子邮件地址,以便我们通知您课程状态的任何变化.

  • The Basic Rider Course is a 11.5小时的课程,包括5小时的必修课程和骑摩托车的练习. The eCourse topics include protective gear, mind and machine preparation, risk management, rider responsibility, street strategies, special riding situations, and alcohol. The riding portion of the class covers the basics of straight-line riding, turning, shifting, and stopping, and the advanced skills of counter-steering, cornering, swerving, and emergency braking.

  • 从4月中旬到9月,在亨内平技术学院的布鲁克林公园校区和伊甸园草原校区开设课程. Basic courses (11.5 hours) usually run on a two-weekend day schedule, occasionally weekdays. Experienced courses (5 hours for IRC, 8 hours for ADV & EXP) run on weekends. See the course schedule for more details.

    • Yes, 如果你年满18岁,并计划在明尼苏达州的驾驶执照上获得摩托车背书.
    • No, if you are under 18 years of age, 在参加摩托车许可证和技能测试之前,你需要参加基本的骑手课程. You must have a driver’s license to enroll in the course.
    • No, 如果你年满18岁,不打算通过课程获得你的摩托车背书.
    • No, if you are a resident of another state with a valid driver’s license.
  • 参加者必须年满16岁,并持有有效的驾驶执照. 如果你未满18岁,你必须让你的父母签署一份弃权/责任表.

  • Participants must furnish their own protective clothing: eye protection, long sleeves, long pants, full-fingered gloves, over-the-ankle footwear, and DOT approved helmet. 没有携带和使用上述防护装备的参赛者,教练必须将其开除.

  • To take this course, you must be able to ride and balance a bicycle. Balancing is not taught in this course. You must be able to safely control the motorcycle during every exercise. Your rider coaches may dismiss you from the course if, at any time, 他们觉得你对自己的安全或其他参与者的安全构成威胁.

  • To successfully complete the course, 100 percent attendance is required. Participants must pass the knowledge test and the skills test. 摩托车安全基础课程标准要求车手教练开除迟到或错过整个课程的任何部分的参与者.

  • Riding a motorcycle requires a motorcycle endorsement or motorcycle permit. 任何有驾驶执照的司机或15岁以上的人都可以在街上骑轻便摩托车. A scooter is either a moped or a motorcycle, depending on its size: A moped is defined as having 50cc or less, having less than 2hp, and capable of no more than 30 mph. If it does not meet all three requirements, it is considered a motorcycle. GoPeds, small, 有马达的两轮车辆,但没有摩托车和轻便摩托车所需的设备(前灯), mirrors, etc.) are only legal to ride on private property.

  • 明尼苏达州摩托车指导许可证从签发之日起有效期为一年.

  • The permit test is based on the Minnesota Motorcycle/Motorized Bicycle Manual. Go to the nearest state exam station to pick up a copy of the manual, or view it here.

  • Go to the nearest state exam station to take the written permit test. For a list of exam station locations, click here.

    Note: There is a fee for the permit test.

  • For adults (18 years of age or older), who have a valid Minnesota or Wisconsin driver's license, there are two ways:

    1. 在国家考试站参加知识(许可证)考试和骑乘(背书)考试.
    2. 在国家考试站参加知识(许可证)考试,然后参加我们的基础骑手课程. If you pass, 你将有资格获得你的摩托车背书,而不必在州考试站参加骑乘考试.

    If you are a minor (younger than 18 years of age), you must take the Basic Rider course first, 然后在国家考试站参加知识(许可证)考试和驾驶(执照)考试.

  • Yes, please contact Rhonda Allen at 952-995-1335 or Rhonda.Allen@cocobe.net to inquire about private sessions for riding clubs or groups.

  • Courses will run regardless of the weather conditions. Be prepared for rain, snow, wind, cold, and heat. Bring rain gear and dress in layers for warmth. Class may be postponed by the instructor because of severe weather.
    • 可以,训练电单车(125至250cc)只供基本骑师课程使用.
    • 不,培训摩托车不提供经验,高级和专家课程. Participants must provide their own motorcycle. The motorcycle must be street legal, and you must provide current proof of insurance to your instructor.
  • Yes, 只要您出示保险证明,并且您的摩托车是合法的,发动机排量为500cc或更少,空载重量为400磅或更少.

  • The Basic Rider course is designed for people who have never ridden a motorcycle. Many participants pass the course on their first try, but it is not uncommon for participants to take the course more than once.

  • Yes, North Dakota accepts the Minnesota basic course for motorcycle endorsements.

  • Yes, Wisconsin accepts the Minnesota basic course for motorcycle endorsements. Wisconsin residents DO NOT need a motorcycle permit to earn their endorsements.

  • Go to the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety website at motorcyclesafety.org.

  • Motorcycles are provided for the Basic Rider Course only. If a student chooses, 他们可携带自己的电单车参加基本骑车人课程,但须登记为电单车而非轻便单车, 如果发动机排量为500cc或更少,空载重量为400磅或更少,是否合法, passes a T-CLOCS inspection, and is insured.
  • The Basic Rider Course is $245. The Intermediate Course is $55. The Advanced and Expert Courses are $75.
  • If you took the course within the last three years, you should contact the school at which you took the course for a replacement. For school contact information, please contact Rachel Salmela at rachel.salmela@cocobe.net.
  • To view all and order all available MMSC safety materials, click here.
  • No. However, DirtBike Tech (763-757-3478) offers dirt bike schools. You can also find dirt bike schools by calling 877-288-7093.